Before the Gang of Eight assembled, which includes our two
U.S. Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, Maricopa County Attorney Bill
Montgomery was busy working with former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor and community leaders in the Real
Arizona Coalition on an Arizona-based immigration plan. The plan, dubbed with
the acronym S.A.N.E. for its focus on security,
accountability, its necessity and engagement across all levels of government, has much in common with
the Gang of Eight proposal, but it also has some additional useful ideas that
could help move the debate forward at a federal level.
While the Arizona Chamber and most major business groups
strongly back the new Senate bill, the U.S. House will also play a critical
role. A reasonable roadmap forward is for a bill to be thoughtfully considered
in the Senate and hopefully pass with a robust bipartisan vote
Although I am not a political science major, both houses of
Congress must pass a bill for it to be transmitted to the president and signed
in to law. From numerous meetings with House Republican offices and experts in
this area, it is apparent to me that the House will work on its own bill or a set
of bills that could at some point come together as a package. The end result
could actually be a conference committee where selected members of the House
and Senate will convene to work out a final proposal that would be voted on and,
if all goes well, reach the president.
After listening to the county attorney at a couple of venues
last week in Washington, D.C., including an appearance at the National Press
Club, I believe that he can play a key role in refining the border security
portions, which is practically a prerequisite to get the bill passed in the
House. This West Point graduate has the chops and experience to
inject useful ideas that will make our border more secure and complete the
puzzle on immigration reform.
County Attorney Montgomery said there was more in the U.S.
Senate proposal that he liked than did not like. He discussed the security
aspects of what is needed in immigration reform with clarity and
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